A new study shows that nearly half of millennials in the USA have $0 in
savings. The same report shows that the number of millennials who have
significant savings put away has increased. What's going on? Who is to
blame? Grab your pitchforks, people. Let's do this.
If you're active on LinkedIn or other financially-focused websites, you've probably seen this Bank of America report released today.
In short, almost 50% of the "millennial generation" have nothing in a
savings account. While a growing number of the same demographic have
large amounts of savings. The group in the middle is disappearing. So if
you're a millennial, statistically you either have a lot put put away,
or nothing at all.
What does this mean?
It means that the generalization that millennials are bad at saving
is more true than before, but also more false. Sorry to say, but
stereotypes exist for a reason. The generalization of twitch-streamers,
YouTube millionaires, adults living in mom's basement, and avocado toast
with a Starbucks latte seems to have some basis in fact.
A few charts to highlight the study:
Now, the discussion regarding causation and correlation is one we
don't have time (or the word count limit) to address here. But the fact
that two different banks found the same data in reputable studies shows
that something is happening.
Granted this study doesn't compare the numbers with other
generations. Or even other generations at the same point in their
timeline. That data is easy to find, and I assume that it would be very
different than these data.
So, the question:
Who do we blame for this growing disparity?
The answer:
Nobody. Sometimes life just sucks, that's guaranteed. Are some
millennials just terrible at cash management, putting away savings, or
self control? Definitely. Are some the victims of some financial
disasters? Of course. Maybe it's just a reflection of the changing
lifestyles of the generation. The fact that the number of those who have
significant savings is also increasing shows that nobody is out to
"get" the millennials. That there is no grand conspiracy to keep them
poor forever.
I attended a devotional at which Mitt Romney spoke in 2014,
at one point he mentioned: "The self-help guides that I read said I was
doomed, because they claimed that in order to have a successful life,
you had to have a clear goal in mind and then work relentlessly toward
that goal. But that isn’t how life worked out for me. As a matter of
fact, almost nothing I have done in my career was planned in advance."
(Cue the comments about "taking advice from a millionaire on how poor
millenials should save money is stupid. 1% this and 99% that." That's
not the point of the quote and you know it. Stay focused, people!)
Maybe we should stop looking for people to blame, and instead focus
on ourselves and how to make our lives, and the lives of those around
us, happier, better, and more prepared for the hard times in life. Life
is unpredictable and we're all in this together.
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